Version: 2022.1
语言: 中文


class in UnityEditor



The MenuItem attribute allows you to add menu items to the main menu and Inspector window context menus.

The MenuItem attribute turns any static function into a menu command. Only static functions can use the MenuItem attribute.

To create a hotkey, use the following special characters: % (ctrl on Windows and Linux, cmd on macOS), ^ (ctrl on Windows, Linux, and macOS), # (shift), & (alt). If no special modifier key combinations are required, the key can be given after an underscore. For example, to create a menu with the hotkey Shift+Alt+G, use "MyMenu/Do Something #&g". To create a menu with hotkey G and no key modifiers pressed, use "MyMenu/Do Something _g".

Some special keyboard keys are supported as hotkeys. For example, "#LEFT" would map to Shift-Left. The keys supported like this are: LEFT, RIGHT, UP, DOWN, F1 .. F12, HOME, END, PGUP, PGDN, INS, DEL, TAB, and SPACE.

A hotkey text must be preceded with a space character. "MyMenu/Do_g" won't be interpreted as hotkey, while "MyMenu/Do _g" will.

When adding menu items to the "GameObject/" menu to create custom GameObjects, be sure to call GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign to ensure that the new GameObject is reparented correctly in the case of a context click (see example below). Your function should also call Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo to make the creation undoable and set Selection.activeObject to the newly created object. Also note that in order for a menu item in "GameObject/" to be propagated to the hierarchy Create dropdown and hierarchy context menu, it must be grouped with the other GameObject creation menu items. This can be achieved by setting its priority to 10 (see example below). Note that for legacy purposes MenuItems in "GameObject/Create Other" with no explicit priority set will receive a priority of 10 instead of the default 1000 - we encourage using a more descriptive category name than "Create Other" and explicitly setting the priority to 10.

using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
public class MenuTest : MonoBehaviour
    // Add a menu item named "Do Something" to MyMenu in the menu bar.
    [MenuItem("MyMenu/Do Something")]
    static void DoSomething()
        Debug.Log("Doing Something...");

// Validated menu item. // Add a menu item named "Log Selected Transform Name" to MyMenu in the menu bar. // We use a second function to validate the menu item // so it will only be enabled if we have a transform selected. [MenuItem("MyMenu/Log Selected Transform Name")] static void LogSelectedTransformName() { Debug.Log("Selected Transform is on " + + "."); }

// Validate the menu item defined by the function above. // The menu item will be disabled if this function returns false. [MenuItem("MyMenu/Log Selected Transform Name", true)] static bool ValidateLogSelectedTransformName() { // Return false if no transform is selected. return Selection.activeTransform != null; }

// Add a menu item named "Do Something with a Shortcut Key" to MyMenu in the menu bar // and give it a shortcut (ctrl-g on Windows, cmd-g on macOS). [MenuItem("MyMenu/Do Something with a Shortcut Key %g")] static void DoSomethingWithAShortcutKey() { Debug.Log("Doing something with a Shortcut Key..."); }

// Add a menu item called "Double Mass" to a Rigidbody's context menu. [MenuItem("CONTEXT/Rigidbody/Double Mass")] static void DoubleMass(MenuCommand command) { Rigidbody body = (Rigidbody)command.context; body.mass = body.mass * 2; Debug.Log("Doubled Rigidbody's Mass to " + body.mass + " from Context Menu."); }

// Add a menu item to create custom GameObjects. // Priority 10 ensures it is grouped with the other menu items of the same kind // and propagated to the hierarchy dropdown and hierarchy context menus. [MenuItem("GameObject/MyCategory/Custom Game Object", false, 10)] static void CreateCustomGameObject(MenuCommand menuCommand) { // Create a custom game object GameObject go = new GameObject("Custom Game Object"); // Ensure it gets reparented if this was a context click (otherwise does nothing) GameObjectUtility.SetParentAndAlign(go, menuCommand.context as GameObject); // Register the creation in the undo system Undo.RegisterCreatedObjectUndo(go, "Create " +; Selection.activeObject = go; } }


editorModesSpecifies the Editor modes that the item is displayed for. If you don't specify any Editor modes, the item is only displayed for the default mode.

