Version: 2022.1
语言: 中文


public static GameObject SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect (GameObject instanceRoot, string assetPath, InteractionMode action);
public static GameObject SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect (GameObject instanceRoot, string assetPath, InteractionMode action, out bool success);


instanceRoot 要保存为预制件并进入预制件实例的游戏对象。
assetPath 要在其中保存预制件的路径。
action 用于此操作的交互模式。
success 保存操作的结果(成功或不成功)。将其与控制台日志一起使用,从而进一步了解保存过程。


GameObject 已保存的预制件资源(如果可用)的根游戏对象。


Use this function to create a Prefab Asset at the given path from the given GameObject, including any children in the Scene and at the same time make the given GameObject into an instance of the new Prefab.


The input object must be a plain GameObject or the outermost root of a Prefab Instance. It cannot be a child inside a Prefab instance.


The returned object is the root GameObject of the saved Prefab Asset, if available. If the editor is currently in the middle of an asset editing batch operation, as controlled with AssetDatabase.StartAssetEditing and AssetDatabase.StopAssetEditing, assets are not immediately imported upon being saved. In this case, SaveAsPrefabAsset will return null even if the save was successful because the saved Prefab Asset was not yet reimported and thus not yet available.

如果要对现有预制件进行保存,Unity 会尝试保留对预制件本身的引用以及预制件的各个部分(如子游戏对象和组件)。要执行此操作,它在新保存的预制件与现有预制件之间匹配游戏对象的名称。



See Also: PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAsset and Unpacking Prefab instances.

// This script creates a new menu item Examples>Create Prefab in the main menu.
// Use it to create Prefab(s) from the selected GameObject(s).
// Prefab(s) are placed in the "Prefabs" folder.

using System.IO; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor;

public class Example { // Creates a new menu item 'Examples > Create Prefab' in the main menu. [MenuItem("Examples/Create Prefab")] static void CreatePrefab() { // Keep track of the currently selected GameObject(s) GameObject[] objectArray = Selection.gameObjects;

// Loop through every GameObject in the array above foreach (GameObject gameObject in objectArray) { // Create folder Prefabs and set the path as within the Prefabs folder, // and name it as the GameObject's name with the .Prefab format if (!Directory.Exists("Assets/Prefabs")) AssetDatabase.CreateFolder("Assets", "Prefabs"); string localPath = "Assets/Prefabs/" + + ".prefab";

// Make sure the file name is unique, in case an existing Prefab has the same name. localPath = AssetDatabase.GenerateUniqueAssetPath(localPath);

// Create the new Prefab and log whether Prefab was saved successfully. bool prefabSuccess; PrefabUtility.SaveAsPrefabAssetAndConnect(gameObject, localPath, InteractionMode.UserAction, out prefabSuccess); if (prefabSuccess == true) Debug.Log("Prefab was saved successfully"); else Debug.Log("Prefab failed to save" + prefabSuccess); } }

// Disable the menu item if no selection is in place. [MenuItem("Examples/Create Prefab", true)] static bool ValidateCreatePrefab() { return Selection.activeGameObject != null && !EditorUtility.IsPersistent(Selection.activeGameObject); } }