Version: 2022.1
语言: 中文
public static Search.ISearchList Request (string searchText, Search.SearchFlags options);
public static Search.ISearchList Request (Search.SearchContext context, Search.SearchFlags options);


searchText Search query to be executed.
context Search context used to track asynchronous requests. You need to dispose of the context yourself.
options Options defining how the query is performed.


ISearchList Asynchronous list of search items.


Executes a search request that will fetch search results asynchronously.

The following example executes a query and print results over many frames using EditorApplication.update.

[MenuItem("Examples/SearchService/Request List")]
public static void RequestList()
    ISearchList results = SearchService.Request("*.cs");

    // It is important to note that when you request some search results,
    // that you need to enumerate them asynchronously using the returned search list.
    AsyncResultEnumerator.Fetch(results, item => Debug.Log(item));

struct AsyncResultEnumerator
    private Action<SearchItem> m_OnEnumerate;
    private IEnumerator<SearchItem> m_Iterator;

    public static AsyncResultEnumerator Fetch(ISearchList results, Action<SearchItem> onEnumerate)
        return new AsyncResultEnumerator(results, onEnumerate);

    public AsyncResultEnumerator(ISearchList results, Action<SearchItem> onEnumerate)
        m_OnEnumerate = onEnumerate;
        m_Iterator = results.GetEnumerator();
        EditorApplication.update += EnumerateResults;

    private void EnumerateResults()
        if (m_Iterator == null || !m_Iterator.MoveNext())
            m_Iterator = null;
            EditorApplication.update -= EnumerateResults;
        else if (m_Iterator.Current != null)

If you are running a coroutine you can yield results like the following:

public static IEnumerable<SearchItem> YieldResults()
    ISearchList results = SearchService.Request("*.cs");
    foreach (var result in results)
        yield return result;

public static void Request (string searchText, Action<SearchContext,IList<SearchItem>> onSearchCompleted, Search.SearchFlags options);
public static void Request (Search.SearchContext context, Action<SearchContext,IList<SearchItem>> onSearchCompleted, Search.SearchFlags options);


onSearchCompleted Callback invoked when the search request is completed and all results are available.


Executes a search request and calls back the specified function when all results are available.

[MenuItem("Examples/SearchService/Request All")]
public static void RequestAll()
    SearchService.Request("t:texture", (SearchContext context, IList<SearchItem> items) =>
        Debug.Log("All Textures");
        foreach (var item in items)
    }, SearchFlags.Debug);

public static void Request (string searchText, Action<SearchContext,IEnumerable<SearchItem>> onIncomingItems, Action<SearchContext> onSearchCompleted, Search.SearchFlags options);
public static void Request (Search.SearchContext context, Action<SearchContext,IEnumerable<SearchItem>> onIncomingItems, Action<SearchContext> onSearchCompleted, Search.SearchFlags options);


onIncomingItems Callback invoked everytime a batch of results are found and available.
onSearchCompleted Callback invoked when the search request is completed.


Executes a search request and callbacks for every batch of incoming results. It is possible to get duplicate items, so filter the final list if needed.

[MenuItem("Examples/SearchService/Request Async")]
public static void RequestAsync()
    var batchCount = 0;
    var totalItemCount = 0;

    void OnIncomingResults(SearchContext context, IEnumerable<SearchItem> items)
        var batchItemCount = items.Count();
        totalItemCount += batchItemCount;
        Debug.Log($"#{++batchCount} Incoming materials ({batchItemCount}): {string.Join("\n", items)}");

    void OnSearchCompleted(SearchContext context)
        Debug.Log($"Query <b>\"{context.searchText}\"</b> completed with a total of {totalItemCount}");

    SearchService.Request("t:material", OnIncomingResults, OnSearchCompleted, SearchFlags.Debug);