Version: 2021.3
语言: 中文


class in Unity.Profiling.LowLevel.Unsafe



Utility class which provides access to low level Profiler API.

Use ProfilerUnsafeUtility methods to build a high-level profiling primitive.
The low level Profiler API is included in a Release Build.


CategoryAiAI and NavMesh Profiler category.
CategoryAllocationMemory allocation Profiler category.
CategoryAnimationAnimation Profiler category.
CategoryAudioAudio system Profiler category.
CategoryFileIOFile IO Profiler category.
CategoryGUIUI Profiler category.
CategoryInputInput system Profiler category.
CategoryInternalInternal Unity systems Profiler category.
CategoryLightingGlobal Illumination Profiler category.
CategoryLoadingLoading system Profiler category.
CategoryNetworkNetworking system Profiler category.
CategoryOtherUncategorized Profiler category.
CategoryParticlesParticle system Profiler category.
CategoryPhysicsPhysics system Profiler category.
CategoryRenderRendering system Profiler category.
CategoryScriptsGeneric C# code Profiler category.
CategoryVideoVideo system Profiler category.
CategoryVirtualTexturingVirtual Texturing system Profiler category.
CategoryVrVR systen Profiler category.
TimestampGets Profiler timestamp.
TimestampToNanosecondsConversionRatioGets conversion ratio from Profiler timestamp to nanoseconds.


BeginSampleStarts profiling a piece of code marked with a custom name that the markerPtr handle has defined.
BeginSampleWithMetadataStarts profiling a piece of code marked with a custom name that the markerPtr handle and metadata parameters has defined.
CreateFlowCreate a new Profiler flow identifier.
CreateMarkerConstructs a new Profiler marker handle for code instrumentation.
EndSample结束分析标有此 ProfilerMarker 实例所定义的自定义名称的一段代码。
FlowEventAdd flow event to a Profiler sample.
GetCategoryByNameGets the Profiler category identifier.
GetCategoryDescriptionRetrieves Profiler category information such as name or color.
SetMarkerMetadataSet Profiler marker metadata name and type.
SingleSampleWithMetadataCreates profiling sample with a custom name that the markerPtr handle and metadata parameters has defined.