Version: 2021.3
语言: 中文


public static void SetImporterOverride (string path);


path 资源路径。



Only Scripted Importers with AutoSelect = false attribute parameter can be set with this function.

using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEditor.AssetImporters;
using UnityEngine.Assertions;

public class AssetDatabaseExamples : MonoBehaviour { [MenuItem("AssetDatabase/Example Importer Actions")] static void AllImporterActions() { //This sets CubeImporter to be used for the asset AssetDatabase.SetImporterOverride<CubeImporter>("Assets/CompanionCube.cube"); Debug.Log("New importer: " + AssetDatabase.GetImporterOverride("Assets/CompanionCube.cube"));

//This clears importer override and sets it to null AssetDatabase.ClearImporterOverride("Assets/CompanionCube.cube"); Assert.IsNull(AssetDatabase.GetImporterOverride("Assets/CompanionCube.cube")); } }

//This is Example Importer [ScriptedImporter(1, "cube")] public class CubeImporter : ScriptedImporter { public float m_Scale = 1; public override void OnImportAsset(AssetImportContext ctx) { var cube = GameObject.CreatePrimitive(PrimitiveType.Cube); var position = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); cube.transform.position = position; cube.transform.localScale = new Vector3(m_Scale, m_Scale, m_Scale); // 'cube' is a a GameObject and will be automatically converted into a prefab ctx.AddObjectToAsset("main obj", cube); ctx.SetMainObject(cube); var material = new Material(Shader.Find("Standard")); material.color =; ctx.AddObjectToAsset("my Material", material); var tempMesh = new Mesh(); } }