Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
Language : English
Materials tab

Wind tab

Use the Wind tab to adjust the wind settings for imported SpeedTree 9 assets with the .st9 file type.

To change wind settings for .st or .spm files, use the Wind section in the SpeedTree Model tab.

To change model or materials settings, use the Model tab or Materials tab.

SpeedTree Importer Wind tab
SpeedTree Importer Wind tab
Property Description
Enable Wind Enable the wind animation configured in the SpeedTree Modeler.
Strength Response Adjust how quickly the model responds to changes in wind strength. This property is available only when wind is enabled.
Direction Response Adjust how quickly the model responds to changes in wind direction. This property is available only when wind is enabled.
Randomness Adjust the amount of noise applied to the model’s motion. Higher values mean the model moves more independently from neighboring trees.
Materials tab