Version: 2022.1
语言: 中文
Descendant selectors
Multiple selectors

Child selectors

USS child selectors match elements that are the child of another element in the visual tree.


A child selector consists of multiple simple selectors separated by >.

selector1 > selector2 {...}

You can include the wildcard selector in complex selectors. For example, the following USS rule uses the wildcard selector in a child selector. This USS rule matches buttons that are children of elements that are children of an element with the USS class yellow assigned to it.

.yellow > * > Button{..}


To demonstrate how simple selectors match elements, here is an example UI Document.

<UXML xmlns="UnityEngine.UIElements">
  <VisualElement name="container1">
    <VisualElement name="container2" class="yellow">
      <Button name="OK" class="yellow" text="OK" />
      <Button name="Cancel" text="Cancel" />

With no styles applied, the UI looks like the following:

Example buttons with margins and thin blue borders.
Example buttons with margins and thin blue borders.

The following child selector style rule matches only the inner element. Element #OK, which has .yellow class, is a child of element #container2. #container2 is child of element #container1. Therefore, there is no direct descendant of #container1 that matches the .yellow selector.

#container1 > .yellow {
  background-color: yellow;

The UI looks like the following when you apply the style:

The container2 has a yellow background color.
The container2 has a yellow background color.


Descendant selectors
Multiple selectors