Version: 2022.1
语言: 中文
通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 构建设置

Building and delivering for Universal Windows Platform

Before building and delivering your UWP application, you can learn more about build settings, IL2CPP scripting backend, and deployment.

Topic 描述
Universal Windows Platform build settings Refer to the UI description of UWP Build Settings.
UWP: Generated project with IL2CPP scripting backend Understand how Unity builds your application with IL2CPP.
UWP: Plugins on IL2CPP scripting backend Understand the different plugins used in IL2CPP scripting backend.
UWP: Debugging on IL2CPP scripting backend Debug your UWP build.
Universal Windows Platform: Deployment Deploy a UWP build.
Windows Device Portal Deployment Use the Device Portal to build and run your application on a remote device.
通用 Windows 平台 (UWP) 构建设置