Version: 2022.1+
This example demonstrates how to leverage the TransitionEndEvent
to create transitions that loop.
This example demonstrates two looping animations:
You can find the completed files that this example creates in this GitHub repository.
This guide is for developers familiar with the Unity Editor, UI Toolkit, and C# scripting. You are recommended to have a basic understanding of the following:
Create a project in Unity with any template.
In your Project window, create a folder named loop-transition-example
Right-click in the folder, and select Create > UI Toolkit > Editor Window.
In the UI Toolkit Editor Window Creator window, enter LoopingExample
Save your changes. This creates three files as LoopingExample.cs
, LoopingExample.uss
, and LoopingExample.uxml
Replace LoopingExample.cs
with the following content:
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UIElements;
public class LoopingExample : EditorWindow
[SerializeField] private VisualTreeAsset m_VisualTreeAsset = default;
private Label _yoyoLabel;
private Label _a2bLabel;
[MenuItem("Window/UI Toolkit/Transition Looping Example")]
public static void ShowExample()
var wnd = GetWindow<LoopingExample>();
wnd.titleContent = new GUIContent("TransitionStyle");
public void CreateGUI()
VisualElement root = rootVisualElement;
VisualElement asset = m_VisualTreeAsset.Instantiate();
// This method powers the yo-yo loop.
private void SetupYoyo(VisualElement root)
_yoyoLabel = root.Q<Label>(name: "yoyo-label");
// When the animation ends, the callback toggles a class to set the scale to 1.3
// or back to 1.0 when it's removed.
_yoyoLabel.RegisterCallback<TransitionEndEvent>(evt => _yoyoLabel.ToggleInClassList("enlarge-scale-yoyo"));
// Schedule the first transition 100 milliseconds after the root.schedule.Execute method is called.
root.schedule.Execute(() => _yoyoLabel.ToggleInClassList("enlarge-scale-yoyo")).StartingIn(100);
// This method powers the A-to-B cycle.
private void SetupA2B(VisualElement root)
_a2bLabel = root.Q<Label>(name:"a2b-label");
_a2bLabel.RegisterCallback<TransitionEndEvent>(evt =>
_a2bLabel.schedule.Execute(() => _a2bLabel.AddToClassList("enlarge-scale-a2b")).StartingIn(10);
_a2bLabel.schedule.Execute(() => _a2bLabel.AddToClassList("enlarge-scale-a2b")).StartingIn(100);
Replace LoopingExample.uxml
with the following content:
<ui:UXML xmlns:ui="UnityEngine.UIElements" xmlns:uie="UnityEditor.UIElements"
engine="UnityEngine.UIElements" editor="UnityEditor.UIElements"
<Style src="LoopingExample.uss" />
<ui:VisualElement name="container">
<ui:Label text="Yo-yo Transition" name="yoyo-label" class="text-style" />
<ui:Label text="A-to-B Transition" name="a2b-label" class="text-style"/>
Replace LoopingExample.uss
with the following content:
transition-duration: 3s;
.text-style {
font-size: 20px;
flex-grow: 0;
margin: 20px;
scale: 1.5 1.5;
transition-duration: 3s;
scale: 1.5 1.5;
justify-content: space-around;
align-items: center;
To test the example, from the menu, select Window -> UI Toolkit -> Transition Looping Example.