Version: 2022.1
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Additional Search filters

Prefab Filters

Prefab filters can be used with Scene and Object Search Providers.

Filter Search token 描述
Root prefab prefab:root prefab:root

Searches all GameObjects that are a Prefab root.
Top prefab prefab:top prefab:top

Searches all GameObjects that are part of a Prefab instance.
Non asset prefab prefab:nonasset prefab:nonasset

Searches all GameObjects that are part of a Prefab that is not inside a Prefab asset.
Asset prefab prefab:asset prefab:asset

Searches all GameObjects that are part of a Prefab asset.
Any prefab prefab:any prefab:any

Searches all GameObjects that are part of a Prefab.
Model prefab prefab:model prefab:model

Searches all GameObjects that are part of a model Prefab.
Regular prefab prefab:regular prefab:regular

Searches all GameObjects that are part of a regular Prefab instance or Asset.
Variant prefab prefab:variant prefab:variant

Searches all GameObjects that are part of a Prefab variant.
Modified prefab prefab:modified prefab:modified

Searches all GameObjects that are a Prefab instance with overrides.
Altered prefab prefab:altered prefab:altered

Searches all GameObjects that are a Prefab instance with overrides even on default overrides.

File Filters

File filters can be used with Asset and Object Search Providers.

Filter Search token 描述
Default Search <search term> Searches term attempting to match the asset name, type, or path.


Searches all Assets that have the word texture in their name, path, or type.
名称 name: name:laser

Searches all Assets that contain the word laser.


Searches all Assets where the name is exactly laserbeam.
Directory dir:<directory exact name> dir:Scripts

Searches all Assets contained in a directory with the exact name Scripts.
a:packages a:packages texture

Searches all textures in any package.
项目 a:assets a:assets texture

Searches all textures in the current project’s Assets folder.
Index file a:<index name> a:psd_textures texture

Assuming there is an index file named psd_textures.index in the project, searches all textures in that index.
Size size:<number of bytes> size:4000 texture

Searches all textures over 4000 bytes (4KB).
扩展名 ext:<file extension without period> ext:png texture

Searches all textures with the png extension.
Age age:<number of days since last modification> age<3 texture

Searches all textures that were modified in the last 3 days.

Type Filters

These filters are available if the index uses the Types Indexing option (See Index Manager).

Filter Search token 描述
类型 t:<Asset Type> t:texture

Searches all Assets containing texture in their type name (ex: Texture2D, Texture).


Searches all prefab assets.
类型 <Asset Type> You can search Assets by type without using the t: filter above.


Searches all Assets containing texture in their type name (ex: Texture2D, Texture) or in their name (ex: myTexture.png).


Searches all Prefab Assets or Assets with “prefab” in their name.
文件 t:file t:file level1

Searches all file Assets containing the word level1.
文件夹 t:folder t:folder

Searches all folder Assets.

Indexed Property Search

Searching properties is available if the index has been specified with the Properties Indexing option (see Index Manager). To view the list of all indexed properties check the Index Manager Keywords tab. All property values are converted to a string or number. The name of the property has to be complete and not partial (case does not matter though). Unity indexes properties at the top level object of a Prefab Asset. If you want all Prefab hierarchies to be indexed, create a Prefab Index (see Index Manager). For .unity files Unity indexes the properties of the SceneAsset and not the Scene content. If you want all Scene contents to be indexed, create a Scene Index (see Index Manager).

Filter Search token 描述
类型 t:<type> When using the indexed Property, you can use t: to search for a component type for an Asset type.


Searches all Prefabs containing a component with the word collider.


Searches all Assets with a type containing the word texture (ex: Texture or Texture2D).
Has Component has:<component type> has:collider

Searches all Prefabs containing a component with the word collider.


Searches all Prefabs containing a component called BoxCollider.
Label l:<label name> l:archi

Searches all Assets with a label containing the word archi (e.g.: Architecture).


Searches all Assets with a label that is exactly Wall.

All properties of an Asset (Prefab or other types) are indexed and searchable. Here are a few examples of Property query:

Filter Search token 描述
Number property:value bounciness>0.1

Searches all assets with a property named bounciness (e.g.: a PhysicsMaterial2D) higher than 0.1.


Searches all Assets with a property named health (e.g.: HealthSystem Component of a Prefab) with of a value of exactly 2.

t:texture filtermode!=0

Searches all textures with a filtermode property different than 0 (i.e different than Point).
Boolean property:value t:Dungeon generatePath=true

Searches all Dungeon ScriptableObjects where the property generatePath is true.


Searches all GameObjects containing a property isStunned that is false.
String property:string value t:Character trait:indestru

Searches all Prefab with a Character component whose trait property contains the word indestru (ex: indestructible).

t:Character trait="tough but fair"

Searches all Prefab with a Character component whose trait property is exactly tough but fair.
Enum property:<enum value> characterclass:rog

Searches all GameObjects with with a property named characterclass whose value contains the word rog (e.g.: value is rogue).


Searches all GameObjects with a property named characterclass with an exact value of FighterMage.
Color property:<html color value> color:ADA

Searches all GameObjects with a property named color where the color value starts with ADA (like ADADAD00).


Searches all GameObjects with a property named color where the color value is exactly ADADAD00.

Searches all GameObjects with a property named color where the color value is exactly ADADAD and alpha value is 1.
Vector property.[xyzw]:value bounds.x>1

Searches all GameObjects with a property named bounds where the x value is larger than 1.


Searches all GameObjects with a property named acceleration where the z value is equal to 2
Object sprite:<object exact name> sprite:CharacterBody

Searches all Assets with a sprite property (e.g.: Image Component of a Prefab) that references a GameObject named CharacterBody.

Dependency filters

If you are using the Dependencies Indexing option (See Index Manager) Unity indexes direct dependencies of all Assets using AssetDatabase.GetDependencies.

Filter Search
Reference Path ref:<asset full path> ref:assets/images/particles/p_smoke.png
Searches all Assets that have direct dependencies on the exact Asset path: assets/images/particles/p_smoke.png .
Reference Name ref:<asset name> ref:p_smo
Searches all Assets that have direct dependencies on an Asset whose name contains the word p_smo.

Searches all Assets that have direct dependencies on an Asset named p_smoke.png.
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