Version: 2022.2
语言: 中文
Metallic mode: Metallic Property


The Smoothness Property, shown in both Metallic & Specular shader modes.
The Smoothness Property, shown in both Metallic & Specular shader modes.

平滑度的概念同时适用于镜面反射 (Specular) 工作流程和金属性 (Metallic) 工作流程,并且在两者中的工作方式非常相同。默认情况下,如果未分配 MetallicSpecular 纹理映射,则材质的平滑度由滑动条控制。此滑动条可用于控制表面上的“微表面细节”或平滑度。

Both shader modes are shown above, because if you choose to use a texture map for the Metallic or Specular Property, the smoothness values are taken from that same map. This is explained in further detail down the page.

一组从 0 到 1 的平滑度值
一组从 0 到 1 的平滑度值

在 Unity 中,“微表面细节”不是直接可见的。它是光照计算中使用的概念。但是,您可以看到这个微表面细节的效果,它表示当光线从对象反弹时散射的光量。在光滑的表面上,所有光线都倾向于以可预测和一致的角度反弹。在极端的情况下,一个完美光滑表面的光反射就像镜子一样。较不光滑的表面会在较宽的角度范围内反光(当光照射到微表面的凸起时),因此反射具有较少的细节并以更倾向于漫射的方式在表面上扩散。





Using a Smoothness Texture Map

In a similar way to many of the other Properties, you can assign a texture map instead of using a single slider value. This allows you greater control over the strength and colour of the specular light reflections across the surface of the material.


属性: 功能:
Smoothness source 选择存储了平滑度值的纹理通道。
        Specular/Metallic Alpha Use the Alpha channel of the Specular or Metallic map (depending which of these two modes you are using) as the Smoothness value. Because the smoothness of each point on the surface is a single value, only a single channel of an image texture is required for the data. Unity assumes the smoothness data is in the Alpha Channel of the texture used for the Metallic or Specular texture map .
        Albedo Alpha Use the Alpha channel of the Albedo map as the Smoothness value. This lets you reduce the total number of textures, or use textures of different resolutions for the Smoothness value and Specular/Metallic map.

You can toggle highlights and reflections with the settings found in the Forward Rendering Options section of the Material when it is open in the Inspector.

属性: 功能:
Highlights 选中此框可禁用高光。这是针对移动端的可选性能优化选项。它会从标准着色器中移除高光计算。此设置对外观的影响主要取决于 Specular/Metallic 值和 Smoothness。
Reflections 选中此框可禁用环境反射。这是针对移动端的可选性能优化选项。它会从标准着色器中移除高光计算。此情况下不对环境贴图进行采样,而是使用近似值。此设置对外观的影响取决于平滑度。


Metallic mode: Metallic Property