Version: 2022.2
语言: 中文
Animation 窗口指南

Using the Animation view

Use the Animation view to preview and edit Animation Clips for animated GameObjects in Unity. To open the Animation view in Unity, go to Window > Animation.

Viewing Animations on a GameObject

The Animation window is linked to the Hierarchy window, the Project window, the Scene view, and the Inspector window. Like the Inspector, the Animation window shows the timeline and keyframes of the Animation for the currently selected GameObject or Animation Clip Asset. You can select a GameObject using the Hierarchy window or the Scene View, or select an Animation Clip Asset using the Project Window.

The Animated Properties list

在下图中,Animation 视图(左)显示当前所选游戏对象及其子游戏对象(如果它们也受此动画控制)所使用的动画。Scene 视图和 Hierarchy 视图在右侧,展示了 Animation 视图中显示已附加到当前所选游戏对象的动画。

Animation 视图的左侧列出已动画化的属性。在尚未录制任何动画的新建剪辑中,此列表为空。

Animation 视图中展示了一个空的剪辑。左侧未显示任何属性。
Animation 视图中展示了一个空的剪辑。左侧未显示任何属性。

开始动画化此剪辑中的各种属性时,已动画化的属性将显示在此处。如果该动画控制多个子对象,列表中还将包括每个子对象的动画属性的分层子列表。在以上示例中,机械臂 (Robot Arm) 的游戏对象层级视图的各个部分都在同一动画剪辑中进行动画化。



Animation 视图中已展开的属性,允许直接输入关键帧值。此图显示了插值,因为回放头(白线)位于关键帧之间。在该点输入新值将创建新的关键帧。
Animation 视图中已展开的属性,允许直接输入关键帧值。此图显示了插值,因为回放头(白线)位于关键帧之间。在该点输入新值将创建新的关键帧。

The Animation Timeline

On the right side of the Animation View is the timeline for the current clip. The keyframes for each animated property appear in this timeline. The timeline view has two modes, Dopesheet and Curves. To toggle between these modes, click Dopesheet or Curves at the bottom of the animated property list area:


Dopesheet mode

Dopesheet mode offers a more compact view, allowing you to view each property’s keyframe sequence in an individual horizontal track. This allows you to view a simple overview of the keyframe timing for multiple properties or GameObjects.

此处的 Animation 窗口处于关键帧清单模式,显示了动画剪辑内所有动画属性的关键帧位置
此处的 Animation 窗口处于关键帧清单模式,显示了动画剪辑内所有动画属性的关键帧位置


Curves mode

Curves mode displays a resizable graph containing a view of how the values for each animated property changes over time. All selected properties appear overlaid within the same graph view. This mode allows you to have great control over viewing and editing the values, and how they are interpolated between.

此处的 Animation 窗口展示了此动画剪辑中四个所选游戏对象的旋转数据的曲线
此处的 Animation 窗口展示了此动画剪辑中四个所选游戏对象的旋转数据的曲线

Fitting your selection to the window

When using Curves mode to view your Animation, it’s important to understand that sometimes the various ranges for each property can differ greatly. For example, consider a simple Animation clip for a spinning bouncing cube. The bouncing Y position value may vary between the range 0 to 2 (meaning the cube bounces 2 units high during the animation); however, the rotation value goes from 0 to 360 (representing its degrees of rotation). When viewing these two curves at the same time, the animation curves for the position values will be very difficult to make out because the view will be zoomed out to fit the 0–360 range of the rotation values within the window:

弹跳旋转立方体的位置和旋转曲线都被选中,但由于视图已缩小来适应旋转曲线的 0-360 范围,因此弹跳 Y 位置曲线不易辨识出来
弹跳旋转立方体的位置和旋转曲线都被选中,但由于视图已缩小来适应旋转曲线的 0–360 范围,因此弹跳 Y 位置曲线不易辨识出来

Press F on the keyboard to zoom the view to the currently selected keyframes. This is useful as a quick way to focus and re-scale the window on a portion of your Animation timeline for easier editing.

Click on individual properties in the list and press F on the keyboard to automatically re-scale the view to fit the range for that value. You can also manually adjust the zoom of the Curves window by using the drag handles at each end of the view’s scrollbar sliders. In the image below, the Animation Window is zoomed in to view the bouncing Y position Animation. The start of the yellow rotation curve is still visible, but now extends way off the top of the view:

Press A on the keyboard to fit and re-scale the window to show all the keyframes in the clip, regardless of which ones are selected. This is useful if you want to view the whole timeline while preserving your current selection:

Playback and frame navigation controls

To control playback of the Animation Clip, use the Playback Controls at the top left of Animation view.



  • Preview mode (toggle on/off).
  • Record mode (toggle on/off). Note: Preview mode is on when record mode is on.
  • Move playback head to the beginning of the clip.
  • Move playback head to the previous keyframe.
  • Play Animation.
  • Move playback head to the next keyframe.
  • Move playback head to the end of the clip.


  • Press Comma (,) to go to the previous frame.
  • Press Period (.) to go to the next frame.
  • Hold Alt (macOS: Option) and press Comma (,) to go to the previous keyframe.
  • Hold Alt (macOS: Option) and press Period (.) to go to the next keyframe.

Locking the window

您可以锁定 Animation 编辑器窗口,使其不会自动切换来反映 Hierarchy 或 Scene 视图中当前选择的游戏对象。如果希望在专注于某个特定游戏对象的动画的同时,仍然能够选择和操作 Scene 视图中的其他游戏对象,则锁定窗口会非常有用。


要了解有关 Curve 视图导航的更多信息,请参阅使用动画曲线文档。

Animation 窗口指南