Version: 2022.2
语言: 中文
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New in Unity 2022.2

Release Notes

To find out more about the new features, changes, and improvements to this Unity version, see the 2022.2 Release Notes.

Upgrade Guide

If you are upgrading existing projects from 2022.2, read the Upgrade Guide to 2022.2 for information about how your project might be affected.

What’s new

See what’s changed in Unity 2022.2 since 2022.1 and view the documentation for the affected areas.

Editor and Workflow

  • The Device Simulator device list now includes a new button to install the com.unity.device-simulator.devices package, which contains the latest device definitions from Unity.
  • You now have the option to block shortcuts from triggering during Play mode while the Game view window is focused.
  • Added an Edit mode preview Overlay for the Trail Renderer
  • Added Context column to ShortcutManager.
  • Added functionality to import and export profiles in the Shortcuts manager.
  • Added MinMaxCurveProperty Drawer to UIToolkit Inspector.
  • You can now run tests in a specified order from a test list.

Memory Profiler

Memory Profiler 1.0.0 includes the following features:

  • A new All Of Memory snapshots comparison tab.
  • A Close button to close snapshots, which means, single-clicking a selected snapshot no longer closes it.
  • Unity Objects breakdown comparison between two captures.

For a summary of changes, see What’s new in Memory Profiler 1.0.0.

UI Toolkit for Editor UI

  • Added support for background-position, background-size and background-repeat for background rendering.
  • Added new UI Toolkit versions for ColorBlockDrawer and NavigationDrawer.
  • Improved UI/UX of the Inspector displaying appropriate visual cues according to the statuses of properties and provided more details about how properties’ values are bound and resolved.
  • Improved the UI Builder Inspector.
  • Added library icons to UI Builder.
  • Added the align-self field to the UI Builder style Inspector.
  • Added call to implement DecoratorDrawers.
  • Synchronized TextCore’s text generation with the latest code from TextMeshPro.


  • Added access to the bounds of the current renderer in the per object constant buffer for SRPs.
  • Implemented custom error/loading shader support for the BatchRendererGroup.
  • Added visual debug tool for buffer load/store actions.
  • OpenGL ES 3.1 support for BatchRendererGroup.
  • Terrain heightmap support in RayTracingAccelerationStructure when using RayTracingAccelerationStructure.CullInstances function.
  • Added gaze foveated rendering (GFR) on Vulkan using fragment density map offset.
  • The Texture2D importer and constructor now allow excluding the texture from mipmap limits, ensuring that all mips can get uploaded regardless of the quality settings.
  • Added the runtime-modifiable Texture2D property to toggle excluding the texture from mipmap limits (only for readable Texture2Ds).
  • The Texture2D importer and constructor can now be used to add the texture to a project-defined mipmap limit group for more fine-grained control of how texture quality gets affected per quality level.
  • Added mipmap limit groups for more fine-grained configurability over the single value that applies to all mipmapped Texture2Ds.
  • Added shader variant loading settings in Player Settings to control how much memory shaders use at runtime.
  • Shader Warmup can now compile pipeline state objects asynchronously.
  • Foveated Rendering support for D3D12/Vulkan.


For a complete description of new features and improvements in URP, refer to the What’s new in URP 14 (Unity 2022.2) page.

New features


  • Performance and usability improvements to Screen space ambient occlusion (SSAO).
  • New 64-bit high precision HDR render target format.
  • New bloom quality settings.
  • Improvements to the Render Pipeline Converter.
  • Full screen draws in URP now use the SRP Core Bliter API.
  • More consistent lighting behavior on different platforms.
  • New XRSystem API.
  • Shader stripping improvements
  • CPU performance improvements for light-heavy scenes.


New features

  • Added Fullscreen material type and sample set.
  • Added Ray tracing support for Terrain.
  • Added the Water System.
  • Volumetric material support for local volumetric fog volumes.
  • Added transparency sample scene.
  • Added color monitors to the Rendering Debugger.
  • Added a new Eye Shader type called Eye Cinematic with Caustic.
  • The Ray Tracing Settings volume includes Culling Mode properties to define the algorithm that performs Ray Tracing culling.


  • Replaced the Diffusion Profile Scattering Color HDR color picker with an LDR color picker.
  • Added properties to the Screen Space Reflection component to control how the PBR Accumulation SSR algorithm behaves.
  • Added a property called Target in the Custom pass drawer to access the current custom pass instance.
  • Added Asymmetric projection and Screen Coordinates Override Frame settings.
  • Adapted post-processing effects to support Screen Coordinates Override.
  • Added settings to overwrite diffusion profile IOR on StackLit.
  • Added the Occlusion remap Curve property to the Lens Flare component.
  • Added Probe Touchup Volumes for tuning Probe Volumes, and you can now bake separate lighting scenarios using Probe Volumes and blend between them.

Package Manager

  • Moved the package action toolbar in the package details header and implemented new design changes on the details header.
  • Reorganized Package Details into tab-based display. Packages now have individual tabs for Description, Version History, Samples, and Dependencies, while Asset Store Packages have tabs for Overview, Releases, and Images.
  • Added a runtime module from the package that enables the use of a generalized visitor pattern.
  • Updated the scripting API by adding the isDeprecated and deprecationMessage properties to the UnityEditor.PackageManager.PackageInfo class, which are set when a given package version is labeled as deprecated on the registry by its author.
  • Updated the scripting API by adding the deprecated property to the UnityEditor.PackageManager.VersionsInfo class (usually accessed through the versions property of a UnityEditor.PackageManager.PackageInfo instance), which lists all versions of that package that are labeled as deprecated on the registry.

Authoring Tools


  • Modified fields on SerializeReference instances of MonoBehaviour so they can be animated like fields directly on MonoBehaviour classes.
  • Added support to edit multiple Animation Clips at once.

Navigation and Pathfinding

  • Released a new AI Navigation package which will eventually replace the core Navigation and Pathfinding feature.
  • Removed the Bake and Object tabs from the Navigation window as they’re no longer necessary. However, you can still find them in the Navigation (Obsolete) window.
  • The Navigation Static and Off Mesh Link Generation options are no longer available in the Static Editor Flags dropdown menu. However, you can still find them in the Navigation (Obsolete) window > Object tab.


Added Quality Settings to control various Terrain settings at different quality levels.


Added clock management options with the Video Player component.


2D now supports the following features:

  • New 2D Physics Profiler Area with Custom Profile Counters.
  • New Editor Preference editor for 2D Physics that allows the configuration of Gizmo colors and settings.
  • The ability for 2D Physics Collider Gizmos to optionally draw Outlines and Filled Colliders. These are new options in the Physics 2D Project Settings Editor.
  • The ability to select per-Collider2D, which layers that contacts:
    • Are captured for querying and producing physics callbacks.
    • Will produce a physics callbacks for.
  • An option to override Layer collisions for Colliders, Rigidbody components, ArticulationBodies and Character Controllers, which allows to fine tune which bodies should collide with what layers.

2D Physics improvements

You can now allow the following in 2D Physics:

  • A Rigidbody2D/Collider2D to explicitly override (include or exclude) contact layers, so it can override the Layer Collision Matrix per-object.
  • A Collider2D to control Send and Receive forces per-layer upon contact with another Collider2D.
  • A Rigidbody2D to read or write the total force or torque that has been applied to it directly via add force or add torque calls.
  • A Joint2D to select one of four modes that control an action to be taken when the joint breaks. These are Ignore, CallbackOnly, Disable, or Destroy. Previously, Destroy was the fixed action and is still the default.


Added support for detecting managed breakpoints in code compiled with Burst, and automatically switching the affected code to the mono execution path to allow managed debugging. Requires Burst 1.8.

VFX Graph

  • VFX Instancing now optimizes both CPU and GPU VFX runtime.
  • Activation Boolean port on blocks.
  • Added passthrough space (None).
  • Skinned Mesh Sampling out of experimental.
  • Added a new lighting model for smoke: Six-way lighting.


  • Added preliminary support for Magic Leap 2 in Android.
  • Introduced a new WebGL player setting to display diagnostics information (currently limited to memory usage) in WebGL applications.
  • WebGL VideoPlayer now has a configurable time update mode, to support game time, unscaled game time, and audio display time.

Artist and Cinematic tools


Added access to the renderer bounds in Shader Graph through the object node.

Programmer tools


Added an option to create a height mesh when you build the NavMesh at runtime.


Added a new Memory Manager Plugin interface to allow Unity’s native Memory Manager to do native memory allocations.

Serialization improvements

  • Changed so fields on SerializeReference instances of MonoBehaviours can now be animated like fields directly on MonoBehaviours.
  • Made EditorSerializationUtility services to access and manipulate SerializeReference instances with IDs available at runtime in Serialization.ManagedReferenceUtility.

Version Control

Added branch name column in changeset view.

Asset Store

Added Verified Solutions program, a library of third-party assets and solutions that Unity curates.


  • Added profiler markers for some XR Display subsystem entry points. Markers are named XR.Display.*
  • Added support for late latch debug mode to help verify late latch functionality to the Oculus XR plug-in
  • Unity Mars is now included with Unity Pro, Unity Enterprise, and Unity Industrial Collection.

XR package changes

Version updates:

  • com.unity.xr.arcore: 4.2.1 → 5.0.2
  • com.unity.xr.arfoundation: 4.2.1 → 5.0.2
  • com.unity.xr.arkit: 4.2.1 → 5.0.2
  • com.unity.xr.core-utils: 2.0.0-pre.5 → 2.1.0
  • com.unity.xr.interaction.toolkit: 2.0.0-pre.5 → 2.1.1
  • com.unity.xr.legacyinputhelpers: 2.1.8 → 2.1.10
  • com.unity.xr.oculus: 1.11.0 → 3.2.1
  • com.unity.xr.openxr: 1.3.0 → 1.5.3

Removed the deprecated unity.xr.arkit-face-tracking package from the AR Feature set. (APIs are now in the main ARKit package.)

AR Foundation 5.0.2

ARCore 5.0.2

ARKit 5.0.2

  • Expanded face tracking capabilities to include tracking multiple faces with both the front and rear cameras at the same time. The device must support Apple ARKit 3.
  • Merged the com.unity.arkit-face-tracking package into the ARKit package. The separate ARKit Face Tracking package is no longer needed.

Oculus 3.2.1

  • Added optional support for Symmetric Projection on Quest 2 when using Vulkan and Multiview. This mode can improve GPU performance when using Multiview due to more common workloads between the left and right eye. Enable Symmetric Projection in the Oculus settings under XR Plug-in Management.
  • Added Quest Pro to the list of target devices in the Oculus settings under XR Plug-in Management. Enable this option to add the Quest Pro to the app’s Android manifest.

OpenXR 1.5.3

  • Added Project Validation support (requires XR Core Utilities 2.1.0+). Project validation evaluates the project settings to identify possible problems.
  • Added support for setting the Environment Blend Mode.
  • Added support for XR_MSFT_holographic_windown_attachment extension on UWP so that installing Microsoft Mixed Reality OpenXR Plug-in is no longer required if targeting HoloLens V2 devices.
  • Added support for XR_FB_foveation, XR_FB_foveation_configuration, XR_FB_swapchain_update_state, XR_FB_foveation_vulkan and XR_FB_space_warp extensions.
  • Applications now attempt to recover after the Oculus Link is lost and reconnected.

XR Interaction Toolkit 2.1.1

  • Added an option to make the attachment point used when grabbing objects dynamic. See XR Grab Interactable for more information.
  • Added “intention” filtering that uses a weighted score to choose which object to select when more than one otherwise qualifies. See Target filters for more information.
  • Added an option to activate a comfort mode vignette during locomotion. See Tunneling Vignette Controller for more info.
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