Version: 2022.2
语言: 中文
Camera Tricks






图像的外边缘由对应于图像四个角的发散线界定。如果这些线向后追踪到摄像机,它们最终会聚合到同一个点。在 Unity 中,此点恰好位于摄像机的变换位置,也称为透视中心。从屏幕顶部和底部中心聚合到透视中心处的线所形成的角度称为视野(通常缩写为 FOV)。

如上所述,任何落在图像边缘的发散线之外的物体对摄像机而言均不可见,但是针对摄像机渲染的内容还有另外两个限制。近剪裁面和远剪裁面平行于摄像机的 XY 平面,两者沿中心线相隔一定的距离。比近剪裁面更靠近摄像机的任何对象以及比远裁剪面更远离摄像机的任何对象都不会被渲染。


The far clipping plane and floating point math

Objects, lights, and shadows might flicker if they’re far away. The flickering occurs because distances are too large to calculate positions precisely with floating point math. In each frame, the object, light, or shadow is at a slightly different position, so it moves in and out of the view frustum.

Minimise flickering using one of the following approaches:

  • Reduce the far clipping plane distance in the Camera component to avoid the distance of objects becoming too large for precise calculations.
  • Make everything in your scene smaller, to reduce distances across your whole scene.

Unity calculates lights and shadows with the world space position as the reference point, for example 0, 0, 0 in a 3D scene. Flickering occurs when lights and shadows are far away from the world space position. To minimise flickering, you can enable camera-relative culling, so Unity uses the camera position as the relative position for shadow calculations. See Culling settings in Graphics settings.

Camera Tricks