Version: 2022.2
语言: 中文
Lighting Mode:Baked Indirect


本节介绍 Lighting Settings AssetLighting Mode 属性的效果。

Lighting Mode 决定所有场景中使用 Lighting Settings Asset 的所有混合光源的行为。可用的模式有:

  • Baked Indirect combines real-time direct lighting with baked indirect lighting. This mode provides real-time shadows with real-time shadowmaps. This Lighting Mode offers realistic lighting and reasonable shadow fidelity, and is suitable for mid-range hardware.
  • Shadowmask combines real-time direct lighting with baked indirect lighting. It supports baked shadows for distant GameObjects (with Shadow masks) and blends them automatically with real-time shadows (Shadow maps). Shadowmask Lighting Mode is the most realistic and the most resource-intensive Lighting Mode. You can use Quality Settings to configure its performance and visual fidelity. This Lighting Mode is suitable for high-end or mid-range hardware.
  • Subtractive 模式提供烘焙的直射和间接光照,仅针对一个方向光渲染直接实时阴影。这种光照模式不能提供特别逼真的光照效果,适合于风格化的艺术效果或低端硬件。


  1. 为场景选择 Lighting Settings Asset
  2. In the Inspector, navigate to Mixed Lighting.
  3. Use the drop-down menu to set the Lighting Mode.
Lighting Mode:Baked Indirect