Version: 2020.3
语言: 中文
The Mipmap Streaming system API

串流控制器 (Streaming Controller)

Streaming Controller 组件是 Mipmap 串流系统的组成部分。如果启用 Quality 设置 (Edit > Project Settings > Quality) 中的 Add All Cameras 设置(这是默认设置),您不需要使用这个组件。 如果禁用此设置,则需要将此组件添加到要为其触发串流的所有摄像机。有关如何设置和使用 Streaming Controller 组件的更多详细信息,请参阅 Mipmap 串流 API 文档页面

Mipmap Streaming Controller 组件
Mipmap Streaming Controller 组件
属性 描述
Mip Map Bias Use this setting to force Unity to load a smaller or larger mipmap level than the one that the Mipmap Streaming system has automatically chosen. Enter a value in this field to set the offset that Unity applies to this mipmap level. Unity adds this offset to all the mipmaps assigned to Textures that are in the Camera’s view.

For example, if Unity loads a texture at mip 1 and the Mip Map Bias is set to 1, this means it will load mip 2 instead.

To control this setting using the API, use StreamingController.streamingMipmapBias.
The Mipmap Streaming system API