Version: 2020.3
语言: 中文
Lightmapping and shaders
Lightmap UVs introduction

光照贴图 UV

Texture coordinates, commonly called UVs, describe how to “wrap” a texture around geometry. Lightmaps are textures, so Unity needs UVs to correctly use them in your scene.


页面 描述
Lightmap UVs introduction Introductory information about lightmap UVs in the Baked Global Illumination system and the Realtime Global Illumination system.
Generating lightmap UVs How to provide your own lightmap UVs, or have Unity generate them automatically.
Visualizing lightmap UVs How to view the lightmap UVs that Unity is using.
Fixing lightmap UV overlap How to resolve a common issue with lightmap UVs.
Lightmapping and shaders
Lightmap UVs introduction