Version: 2021.3
语言: 中文
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Styling text

Basic text styling

Text properties are regular USS style properties. You can set text style properties on any element, regardless of whether it’s a text element (inheriting from TextElement C# type) or not. Unlike most USS style properties, text style properties propagate to child elements. For example:

<ui:UXML xmlns:ui="UnityEngine.UIElements" xmlns:uie="UnityEditor.UIElements">
    <ui:VisualElement style="-unity-font-style: bold-and-italic; font-size: 39px;">
        <ui:Label text="Label" />

In the example above, the Label text will be bold, italic, and have a font size of 39px. The image below displays the available text style properties in the Inspector:


Style text directly in the Canvas

The following text styles are exposed as toggles in the Canvas on selected elements:

  1. Horizontal Text Align
  2. Vertical Text Align
  3. Text Wrap

These toggles appear in the header of the selected element, if the selected element is a text element (inherits from TextElement). For example, Label and Button:


Advanced text styling

You can install the TextMeshPro package, which Unity installs by default. The package features include:

  1. The use of rich text tags in Label text attributes.
  2. The use of the more advanced Font Asset in style properties, which allows setting text highlights and shadows.
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