Version: 2021.3
语言: 中文
Package Manager 窗口

Customizing the shared cache locations

By default, the Package Manager uses the following folder structure for its caches:

  ├── npm
  │   └── <registry data (package metadata and tarballs)>
  ├── packages
  │   └── <uncompressed contents of package tarballs>
  └── git-lfs (if enabled)
       └── <downloaded Git LFS files>

要覆盖 Package Manager 全局缓存根的默认位置,您可以使用用户配置文件中的 cacheRoot 属性或设置 UPM_CACHE_ROOT 环境变量

Note: For macOS and Linux systems, consider using the configuration file strategy for macOS and Linux systems, because it can be hard to launch Unity with environment variables on those systems.

You can also set environment variables to override the registry data cache, the uncompressed packages cache, and the Git LFS cache. However, environment values and configuration file properties are not equivalent, so using different methods to configure settings can produce unexpected results.

There are many factors affecting how setting several values with different methods works together:

  • 如果您使用 UPM_CACHE_ROOT 环境变量和 cacheRoot 属性为全局缓存根设置了不同的值,Package Manager 使用 UPM_CACHE_ROOT 环境变量中的位置。
  • If you set an environment variable for the registry data cache (UPM_NPM_CACHE_PATH), the uncompressed packages cache (UPM_CACHE_PATH), or the Git LFS cache (UPM_GIT_LFS_CACHE_PATH), Package Manager uses the location specified by the environment variable, regardless of where the global cache root is.
  • 当您使用用户配置文件时,更改将应用​​于当前用户帐户。
  • 如果您启用了 Git LFS 缓存 (UPM_ENABLE_GIT_LFS_CACHE),但未显式制定其路径 (UPM_GIT_LFS_CACHE_PATH),Package Manager 将使用全局缓存根下的 git-lfs 文件夹作为其位置。

Using a configuration file


  1. Locate the .upmconfig.toml user configuration file. To find the file location, see Configuration files. If the file doesn’t exist, create an empty text file.

2.使用绝对路径为 cacheRoot 属性设置一个自定义位置。例如:

cacheRoot = "/dev/external/shared/Unity/cache"

更改其 cacheRoot 属性后,无需重启 Unity 编辑器或 Hub 即可生效。

Using environment variables

您可以使用环境变量为 Package Manager 配置多个设置。但是,为了应用这些设置,您必须从 Terminal 或命令提示符启动 Unity 或 Hub,其中每次都定义和导出这些环境变量。

For example, you can run these commands in a macOS or Linux terminal to configure the location of the global cache root and enable the Git LFS cache:

# On macOS/Linux:
export UPM_CACHE_ROOT=/dev/ssd/shared/Unity/cache
echo "Launching Unity with the Git LFS cache enabled and using this global cache location: '$UPM_CACHE_ROOT'"
"/Applications/Unity Hub"

This Windows example configures the locations of both the global cache root and the Git LFS cache:

# On Windows:
echo "Launching Unity with this global cache location: '%UPM_CACHE_ROOT%'"
echo "... and this Git LFS cache location: '%UPM_GIT_LFS_CACHE_PATH%'"
"C:\Program Files\Unity Hub\Unity Hub.exe"


环境变量: 描述:
UPM_CACHE_ROOT Specify the location of the global cache (the root folder containing the registry data and uncompressed packages caches).
UPM_NPM_CACHE_PATH 指定您希望 Package Manager 存储包的元数据和 tarball 的位置的绝对路径。默认情况下,这是全局缓存根目录下的 npm 子文件夹。
UPM_CACHE_PATH 指定您希望 Package Manager 存储包的 tarball 的未压缩内容位置的绝对路径。默认情况下,这是全局缓存根目录下的 packages 子文件夹。
UPM_ENABLE_GIT_LFS_CACHE Specify any value except empty ("") to enable the Git LFS cache. By default, Package Manager uses the git-lfs subfolder under the global cache root, unless you specify a different path using the UPM_GIT_LFS_CACHE_PATH environment variable.
UPM_GIT_LFS_CACHE_PATH 指定您希望 Package Manager 存储 Git LFS 缓存的位置的绝对路径。通过设置此路径,您会自动启用 Git LFS 缓存。

Configuration files

Package Manager 支持两个配置文件:全局配置文件和用户配置文件。这两个文件都使用 TOML 格式,位于不同的位置:

  • 全局配置文件适用于计算机上的所有用户。例如,为整台计算机设置代理服务器时,可以定义额外的 SSL 证书颁发机构
  • 用户配置文件适用于单个用户。例如,可以设置身份验证令牌,以用于通过作用域注册表访问的自定义包注册表服务器。这些令牌对特定用户帐户进行身份验证。

Global configuration file location

Package Manager 使用名为 upmconfig.toml 的全局配置文件,可以在这里找到:

环境: 位置:
Windows %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Unity\config\upmconfig.toml
macOS 和 Linux /etc/upmconfig.toml

User configuration file location

Package Manager 使用名为 upmconfig.toml 的用户配置文件,可以在这里找到:

环境: 位置:
Windows(用户帐户) %USERPROFILE%\.upmconfig.toml (for example, C:\Users\myusername\.upmconfig.toml)
Windows(系统用户帐户 %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Unity\config\ServiceAccounts\.upmconfig.toml(例如,C:\Users\Public\Unity\config\ServiceAccounts\.upmconfig.toml
macOS 和 Linux ~/.upmconfig.toml(例如,/Users/myusername/.upmconfig.toml

  • Unity 2021.2 中的 Package Manager 配置文件现在支持设置全局缓存根 NewIn20212
Package Manager 窗口