Version: 2021.3
语言: 中文
Legacy Analytics Dashboard
数据透视图 (Data Explorer)

Overview 页面

Unity Analytics Dashboard 的 Overview 页面提供许多预定义图表来跟踪常用指标和主要表现指标。Overview 页面在以下部分中显示图表:

Active Players Shows how many players start to play your game as well as return to it over time.
Sessions Shows how often and how long the average player plays your game each day.
Retention Shows the percentage of players who return to the game at significant intervals.
Revenue Shows reported, verified In-App Purchase (IAP) and Unity Ads revenue.
Unity Analytics Overview 选项卡中显示了活跃玩家 (Active Player) 图表
Unity Analytics Overview 选项卡中显示了活跃玩家 (Active Player) 图表

对于这些部分中显示的每个图表,可选择要显示的日期范围。此外也可以单击 View in Data Explorer 按钮在 DataExplorer 选项卡中查看报告;此选项卡中提供了更多选项来选择、格式化和分析报告数据。

有关 Analytics Dashboard 上的 Overview 页面和其他位置使用的指标的更多信息,请参阅 Analytics 指标、细分段和术语

  • 2017–08–29 页面已发布
  • Unity 2017.1 中的新功能
Legacy Analytics Dashboard
数据透视图 (Data Explorer)