注意:此页面上的信息仅适用于从 Unity Registry(一种作用域注册表, or from a local source安装的包。要更新从 Git URL 安装的包,可以使用新版本将其重新安装为 Git 依赖项或从 Unity Registry 重新安装。有关如何使用 Git 依赖项指定修订版的更多信息,请参阅以特定修订版本为目标。
您可以在 In Project、Unity Registry 或 My Registries 中更新包:
1.打开 Package Manager 窗口,然后从 Packages 下拉菜单中选择 In Project。
![Switch the context to **In Project**](../uploads/Main/upm-ui-inproject.png)
Select the installed package you want to update from the list of packages. The package information appears in the details view.
The lock icon () indicates that this package and version is locked to an installed feature set. To unlock the package and select another version, click the Unlock button.
Note: The package is only temporarily unlocked. If you change to a different list context, or close either the Package Manager or the Editor, the package reverts to being locked again. However, if you switch versions when the package is unlocked (for example, with the Add package by name method), the package stays unlocked.
![__Currently installed__ and __Recommended__ are the only versions available](../uploads/Main/upm-ui-update-list.png)
**Note**: If you see the __See other versions__ link after expanding the package, you can click it to see the list of all available versions for that package.
Select any version of the current package to see the details specific to that version in the details view.
Click the Update to button.
When the progress bar finishes, any new functionality is immediately available.
注意:如果您切换到包的旧版本,则可能必须对包内容运行 API Updater。