Version: 2021.3
语言: 中文
Segment Builder
原始数据导出 (Raw Data Export) 页面

远程设置 (Remote Settings) 页面

Note: Unity Remote Config is now available as a preview package. Remote Config is an improved offering that allows you to change the behavior and appearance of your game without requiring a new binary. You can remotely enable or disable features, change the specifics of your game to target specific audiences, or run special events by scheduling new content releases.

Remote Settings 是可以在 Analytics Dashboard 上设置并在游戏中访问的变量。在 Remote Settings 页面上可以管理 Remote Settings(位于 Optimization 部分)。

有关在项目中实现和使用 Remote Settings 变量的信息,请参阅 Remote Settings

  • 2017–08–21 页面已发布
  • Unity 2017.1 中的新功能
Segment Builder
原始数据导出 (Raw Data Export) 页面