Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public int componentOrder;


The order of the component in the component menu (lower values appear higher in the menu).

Note: The order only affects the component item itself and doesn't influence any submenus.

Scripts are first sorted by their namespace. Scripts without a namespace are positioned after those with a namespace.

By default, menu items are assigned a position value of 20. The final placement of the item is determined by adding the componentOrder value to this default position. The order can be either positive or negative value.

If your item has a priority of 11 or higher than the previous item, a separator is automatically added before your item in the menu.

The following example uses a componentOrder of -1 to bring MyScript2 above MyScript1:

using UnityEngine;

[AddComponentMenu("My Scripts/My Script 1")] public class MyScript1 : MonoBehaviour { }

[AddComponentMenu("My Scripts/My Script 2", -1)] public class MyScript2 : MonoBehaviour { }