Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


struct in UnityEngine.UIElements


Implemented in:UnityEngine.UIElementsModule

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Hierarchy is a struct allowing access to the hierarchy of visual elements


childCount Number of child elements in this object's contentContainer
parent The physical parent of this element in the hierarchy.
this[int] Returns the element at the specified index in the hierarchy

Public Methods

Add Add an element to this element's contentContainer
Children Returns the elements from its contentContainer
Clear Remove all child elements from this element's contentContainer
ElementAt Retrieves the child element at position
Equals Compares instances of the Hierarchy struct for equality.
IndexOf Retrieves the index of the specified VisualElement in the Hierarchy.
Insert Insert an element into this element's contentContainer
Remove Removes this child from the hierarchy.
RemoveAt Remove the child element located at this position from this element's contentContainer
Sort Reorders child elements from this VisualElement contentContainer.


operator != Compares instances of the Hierarchy struct for inequality.
operator == Compares instances of the Hierarchy struct for equality.