Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


struct in UnityEngine.NVIDIA


Implemented in:UnityEngine.NVIDIAModule

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Represent the initialization state of a DLSSContext. You can only use and set this when calling GraphicsDevice.CreateFeature.


featureFlagsBit mask containing feature flags to be used for DLSS.
inputRTHeightThe texture input height size of the input buffers in texels.
inputRTWidthThe texture input width size of the input buffers in texels.
outputRTHeightThe output buffer height size in texels to upscale to.
outputRTWidthThe output buffer width size in texels to upscale to.
qualityThe quality property for DLSS.

Public Methods

GetFlagHelper function. Gets weither if a DLSS feature is set or unset. Additional resources: DLSSFeatureFlags.
SetFlagHelper function. Controls the feature flags used by DLSS. Additional resources: DLSSFeatureFlags.