Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


interface in UnityEngine.UIElements

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Interface to access a TextElement edition capabilities This interface is not meant to be implemented explicitly as its declaration might change in the future.


autoCorrection Determines if the soft keyboard auto correction is turned on or off.
hideMobileInput Hides or shows the mobile input field.
hidePlaceholderOnFocus Hides the placeholder on focus.
isDelayed If set to true, the value property isn't updated until either the user presses Enter or the element loses focus.
isPassword Returns true if the field is used to edit a password.
isReadOnly Returns true if the element is read only.
keyboardType The type of mobile keyboard that will be used.
maskChar The character used for masking when in password mode.
maxLength Maximum number of characters for that element
placeholder A short hint to help users understand what to enter in the field.
touchScreenKeyboard The TouchScreenKeyboard being used to edit the Input Field.