Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


class in UnityEngine


Implemented in:UnityEngine.AnimationModule

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Use this class to create, read, and write the HumanPose for a humanoid avatar skeleton hierarchy or an avatar pose.


HumanPoseHandlerCreates a human pose handler from an avatar and a root transform and either a list of joint paths.

Public Methods

GetHumanPoseComputes a human pose from the avatar skeleton, stores the pose in the human pose handler, and returns the human pose.
GetInternalAvatarPoseGets the internal human pose stored in the human pose handler and converts it to an avatar pose.
GetInternalHumanPoseGets the internal human pose stored in the human pose handler.
SetHumanPoseStores the specified human pose inside the human pose handler.
SetInternalAvatarPoseConverts an avatar pose to a human pose and stores it as the internal human pose inside the human pose handler.
SetInternalHumanPoseStores the specified human pose as the internal human pose inside the human pose handler.