The ChannelService encapsulates a WebSocket server running in Unity.
The ChannelService allows you to create new communication channels. A channel matches the route of the URL connecting to the ChannelService. For example, "<channelName>"
The ChannelService allows custom handlers to receive all messages on a specific channel.
Unity does not start the ChannelService automatically. You must start it manually using ChannelService.Start. Alternatively, you can use the following command line switch: --ump-channel-service-on-startup.
using System; using System.Text; using UnityEditor.MPE; using UnityEditor; using UnityEngine;
public static class ChannelCommunicationDocExample { [MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 1")] static void StartChannelService() { if (!ChannelService.IsRunning()) { ChannelService.Start(); } Debug.Log($"[Step1] ChannelService Running: {ChannelService.GetAddress()}:{ChannelService.GetPort()}"); }
static int s_BinaryChannelId; static int s_StringChannelId; static Action s_DisconnectBinaryChannel; static Action s_DisconnectStringChannel;
[MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 2")] static void SetupChannelService() { if (s_DisconnectBinaryChannel == null) { s_DisconnectBinaryChannel = ChannelService.GetOrCreateChannel("custom_binary_ping_pong", HandleChannelBinaryMessage); s_BinaryChannelId = ChannelService.ChannelNameToId("custom_binary_ping_pong"); } Debug.Log($"[Step2] Setup channel_custom_binary id: {s_BinaryChannelId}");
if (s_DisconnectStringChannel == null) { s_DisconnectStringChannel = ChannelService.GetOrCreateChannel("custom_ascii_ping_pong", HandleChannelStringMessage); s_StringChannelId = ChannelService.ChannelNameToId("custom_ascii_ping_pong"); } Debug.Log($"[Step2] Setup channel_custom_ascii id: {s_StringChannelId}"); }
static void HandleChannelBinaryMessage(int connectionId, byte[] data) { var msg = ""; for (var i = 0; i < Math.Min(10, data.Length); ++i) { msg += data[i].ToString(); } Debug.Log($"Channel Handling binary from connection {connectionId} - {data.Length} bytes - {msg}");
// Client has sent a message (this is a ping) // Lets send back the same message (as a pong) ChannelService.Send(connectionId, data); }
static void HandleChannelStringMessage(int connectionId, byte[] data) { // Client has sent a message (this is a ping) // Client expects string data. Encode the data and send it back as a string:
var msgStr = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data); Debug.Log($"Channel Handling string from connection {connectionId} - {msgStr}");
// Send back the same message (as a pong) ChannelService.Send(connectionId, msgStr); }
static ChannelClient s_BinaryClient; static Action s_DisconnectBinaryClient; static ChannelClient s_StringClient; static Action s_DisconnectStringClient; [MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 3")] static void SetupChannelClient() { const bool autoTick = true;
if (s_BinaryClient == null) { s_BinaryClient = ChannelClient.GetOrCreateClient("custom_binary_ping_pong"); s_BinaryClient.Start(autoTick); s_DisconnectBinaryClient = s_BinaryClient.RegisterMessageHandler(HandleClientBinaryMessage); } Debug.Log($"[Step3] Setup client for channel custom_binary_ping_pong. ClientId: {s_BinaryClient.clientId}");
if (s_StringClient == null) { s_StringClient = ChannelClient.GetOrCreateClient("custom_ascii_ping_pong"); s_StringClient.Start(autoTick); s_DisconnectStringClient = s_StringClient.RegisterMessageHandler(HandleClientStringMessage); } Debug.Log($"[Step3] Setup client for channel custom_ascii_ping_pong. ClientId: {s_StringClient.clientId}"); }
static void HandleClientBinaryMessage(byte[] data) { Debug.Log($"Receiving pong binary data: {data} for clientId: {s_BinaryClient.clientId} with channelName: {s_BinaryClient.channelName}"); }
static void HandleClientStringMessage(string data) { Debug.Log($"Receiving pong data: {data} for clientId: {s_StringClient.clientId} with channelName: {s_StringClient.channelName}"); }
[MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 4")] static void ClientSendMessageToServer() { Debug.Log("[Step 4]: Clients are sending data!"); s_BinaryClient.Send(new byte[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 }); s_StringClient.Send("Hello world!"); }
[MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 5")] static void CloseClients() { Debug.Log("[Step 5]: Closing clients"); s_DisconnectBinaryClient(); s_BinaryClient.Close();
s_DisconnectStringClient(); s_StringClient.Close(); }
[MenuItem("ChannelDoc/Step 6")] static void CloseService() { Debug.Log("[Step 6]: Closing clients");
s_DisconnectBinaryChannel(); s_DisconnectStringChannel();
ChannelService.Stop(); } }
/* When you execute the menu items one after the other, Unity prints the following messages to the Console window:
[Step1] ChannelService Running:
[Step2] Setup channel_custom_binary id: -1698345965
[Step2] Setup channel_custom_ascii id: -930064725
[Step3] Setup client for channel custom_binary_ping_pong. ClientId: -1698345965
[Step3] Setup client for channel custom_ascii_ping_pong. ClientId: -930064725
[Step 4]: Clients are sending data!
Channel Handling binary from connection 1 - 8 bytes - 01234567
Channel Handling string from connection 2 - Hello world!
Receiving pong binary data: System.Byte[] for clientId: -1698345965 with channelName: custom_binary_ping_pong
Receiving pong data: Hello world! for clientId: -930064725 with channelName: custom_ascii_ping_pong
[Step 5]: Closing clients
[Step 6]: Closing clients
Broadcast | Sends a message to all of a specific channel's ChannelClient connections. |
BroadcastBinary | Sends a message to all of a specific channel's ChannelClient connections. |
ChannelNameToId | Closes a specific channel and all connections to that channel. |
CloseChannel | Closes a specific channel and all connections to that channel. |
DispatchMessages | Dispatches any messages that have been received since the last dispatch. This happens automatically every editor tick, but this method can be used to force dispatching to occur during thread-blocking operations. |
GetAddress | Gets the address of the ChannelService. This is always a local address. For example, |
GetChannelClientList | Gets a list of all channel clients connected to the ChannelService. |
GetChannelList | Gets a list of channels open in the ChannelService. By default the ChannelService always has a "status" channel and an "events" channel. |
GetOrCreateChannel | Gets or creates a new channel. |
GetPort | Retrieves the port where the ChannelService runs. This port is chosen randomly when the ChannelService first starts. Alternatively you can specify the port from the command line, using the --ump-channel-service-port <portNumber> switch. |
IsRunning | Checks whether the ChannelService is running and listening to new connections.. |
RegisterMessageHandler | Registers a handler to process all incoming messages on a specific channel. |
Send | Sends a message to a specific connection. The message can be binary or UTF8. |
Start | Starts the ChannelService. After you start the ChannelService it listens to connection at the URL provided by: <ChannelService Address>:<ChannelServicePort>/<channelName>, for example, See ChannelService.GetAddress and ChannnelService.GetPort. |
Stop | Stops the ChannelService from listening to connections, and closes any already established connections. |
UnregisterMessageHandler | Unregisters a specific handler from a Channel. |