Provides methods for creating, running, and debugging jobs.
CacheLineSize | The size of a cache line. |
IsExecutingJob | Checks if this is in a job. |
JobCompilerEnabled | Set whether to run jobs in Mono or Burst. |
JobDebuggerEnabled | Set whether to use the jobs debugger at runtime. |
JobWorkerCount | Current number of worker threads available to the Unity JobQueue. |
JobWorkerMaximumCount | Maximum number of worker threads available to the Unity JobQueue (Read Only). |
MaxJobThreadCount | The maximum number of job threads that the job system can create. |
ThreadIndex | Gets the index for the current thread when executing a job, otherwise 0. |
ThreadIndexCount | Gets the maximum number of job workers that can work on a job at the same time. |
CreateJobReflectionData | Creates job reflection data. |
GetJobRange | Gets the begin index and end index of a range. |
GetWorkStealingRange | Gets a work stealing range. |
PatchBufferMinMaxRanges | Injects debug checks for min and max ranges of a native array. |
ResetJobWorkerCount | Reset JobWorkerCount to the Unity adjusted value. |
Schedule | Schedules a single IJob. |
ScheduleParallelFor | Schedules a IJobParallelFor job. |
ScheduleParallelForDeferArraySize | Schedules a IJobParallelFor job. |
ScheduleParallelForTransform | Schedules an IJobParallelForTransform job. |
ScheduleParallelForTransformReadOnly | Schedules an IJobParallelForTransform job with read-only access to the transform data. |