Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#

ColorUsageAttribute Constructor

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public ColorUsageAttribute(bool showAlpha);


public ColorUsageAttribute(bool showAlpha, bool hdr);
Obsolete Brightness and exposure parameters are no longer used for anything. Use ColorUsageAttribute(bool showAlpha, bool hdr).


public ColorUsageAttribute(bool showAlpha, bool hdr, float minBrightness, float maxBrightness, float minExposureValue, float maxExposureValue);


showAlpha If false then the alpha channel info is hidden both in the ColorField and in the Color Picker.
hdr Set to true if the color should be treated as a HDR color (default value: false).
minBrightness Minimum allowed HDR color component value when using the HDR Color Picker (default value: 0).
maxBrightness Maximum allowed HDR color component value when using the HDR Color Picker (default value: 8).
minExposureValue Minimum exposure value allowed in the HDR Color Picker (default value: 1/8 = 0.125).
maxExposureValue Maximum exposure value allowed in the HDR Color Picker (default value: 3).


Attribute for Color fields. Used for configuring the GUI for the color.