type | Depending on what LightingExplorer.DataType we use, built-in compare and draw methods will be used. If you want to fully overload this, use LightingExplorer.DataType.Custom. |
headerContent | Title for the column header. |
propertyName | Name of the property on the object you wish to use. If you use LightingExplorer.DataType.Name, choose ‘null’. |
width | Width of the column. The minimum width is this value divided by 2. The default value is 100. |
onGUIDelegate | If you want to draw a property differently than the default, provide this delegate. If you use LightingExprlorer.DataType.Custom, you must override this. |
compareDelegate | If you want to sort properties differently than the default way, provide this delegate. If you use LightingExplorer.DataType.Custom, you must override this. |
copyDelegate | If you want to copy properties differently than the default way, provide this delegate. |
dependencyIndices | If you depend on another Serialized property than the one in your column, use this field to specify which indices to include. The first column is index 0. |