Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public int GetVertexAttributeOffset(Rendering.VertexAttribute attr);


attr The vertex data attribute to check for.


int The byte offset within a atream of the data attribute, or -1 if it is not present.


Gets the offset within a vertex buffer stream of a given vertex data attribute on this MeshData.

Meshes usually use a single vertex buffer stream, but it is possible to set up a vertex layout where attributes use different vertex buffers (see SetVertexBufferParams). When you use such a layout, use this function to query where a given attribute is located in a stream.

Note that this function returns the byte offset within a stream, without specifying which stream. To identify the stream that contains a given attribute, use GetVertexAttributeStream.

Additional resources: GetVertexAttributeStream, vertexBufferCount, GetVertexBufferStride, Mesh.GetVertexAttributeOffset.