Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#

RenderTextureDescriptor.RenderTextureDescriptor Constructor

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public RenderTextureDescriptor(int width, int height, RenderTextureFormat colorFormat = RenderTextureFormat.Default, int depthBufferBits = 0, int mipCount = Texture.GenerateAllMips, RenderTextureReadWrite readWrite = RenderTextureReadWrite.Linear);


width Width of the RenderTexture in pixels.
height Height of the RenderTexture in pixels.
colorFormat The color format for the RenderTexture.
depthStencilFormat The depth stencil format for the RenderTexture.
depthBufferBits The number of bits to use for the depth buffer.
mipCount Amount of mips to allocate for the RenderTexture.
readWrite How color space conversions are applied on texture read/write.


Create a RenderTextureDescriptor with default values, or a certain width, height, and format.