Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#

LocalKeyword Constructor

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public LocalKeyword(Shader shader, string name);


shader The Shader to use.
name The name of the local shader keyword.


Initializes and returns a LocalKeyword struct that represents an existing local shader keyword for a given Shader.

If the Shader declares a local shader keyword with the given name, Unity creates and returns a LocalKeyword struct that represents it. Otherwise, Unity still creates a struct, but throws an error.

Additional resources: Shader variants and keywords, IPreprocessShaders.OnProcessShader.


public LocalKeyword(ComputeShader shader, string name);


shader The ComputeShader to use.
name The name of the local shader keyword.


Initializes and returns a LocalKeyword struct that represents an existing local shader keyword for a given ComputeShader.

If the ComputeShader declares a local shader keyword with the given name, Unity creates and returns a LocalKeyword struct that represents it. Otherwise, Unity still creates a struct, but throws an error.

Additional resources: Shader variants and keywords, IPreprocessComputeShaders.OnProcessComputeShader.