Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#
Virtual Texturing is experimental and not ready for production use. The feature and documentation might be changed or removed in the future.


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public static void EnableMipPreloading(int texturesPerFrame, int mipCount);


texturesPerFrame Number of textures per frame to process. The range is 0 through 1024. The default is 0. A number of 0 disables preloading. The higher this number, the more CPU resource will be used on the render thread.
mipCount The number of mipmap levels to preload. The range is 1 through 9. The default is 1, which preloads only the highest mipmap level with the smallest size of 128 by 128 pixels. This is the size of the Streaming Virtual Texturing tile.


Enables mipmap level preloading used by Streaming Virtual Texturing.

Use this method to avoid texture pop-in by preloading the smallest-sized mipmap levels into GPU memory. If there are many more virtual textures in materials and texturesPerFrame is too low, you might still see black textures pop in. For more targeted texture preload requests, refer to Rendering.VirtualTexturing.Streaming.RequestRegion.html.