Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public int depth;


Nesting depth of the property. (Read Only)

Additional resources: propertyPath.

using System;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;

public class SerializePropertyDepthExample : ScriptableObject { // Declare fields to demonstrate data at different depths public int m_depth0;

[Serializable] public struct Nested { public int m_depth1;

[Serializable] public struct NestedInNested { public int m_depth2; public Vector2 m_vectorDepth2; // Contains x,y at depth 3 }; public NestedInNested m_Nested1; }; public Nested m_Nested0; public bool m_boolDepth0;

[MenuItem("Example/SerializedProperty depth Example")] static void DepthExample() { var scriptableObject = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<SerializePropertyDepthExample>();

using (var serializedObject = new SerializedObject(scriptableObject)) { var report = new StringBuilder();

var iterator = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_depth0");

const bool visitChildren = true; do { report.AppendLine($"Found {iterator.propertyPath} (depth {iterator.depth})"); } while (iterator.Next(visitChildren));

//Output: //Found m_depth0 (depth 0) //Found m_Nested0 (depth 0) //Found m_Nested0.m_depth1 (depth 1) //Found m_Nested0.m_Nested1 (depth 1) //Found m_Nested0.m_Nested1.m_depth2 (depth 2) //Found m_Nested0.m_Nested1.m_vectorDepth2 (depth 2) //Found m_Nested0.m_Nested1.m_vectorDepth2.x (depth 3) //Found m_Nested0.m_Nested1.m_vectorDepth2.y (depth 3) //Found m_boolDepth0 (depth 0) Debug.Log(report.ToString()); } } }