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  • C#


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public bool isArray;


Is this property an array? (Read Only)

Additional resources: arraySize, GetArrayElementAtIndex.

using System.Text;
using UnityEditor;
using UnityEngine;

// Example showing the structure of SerializedProperty objects that comprise an Array property exposed by SerializedObject. // Often this structure can be ignored and SerializedProperty.arraySize and SerializedProperty.GetArrayElementAtIndex(0) // are convenient to jump straight to the size and data content. // But, because the specific structure is exposed when using SerializedProperty.Next and SerializedProperty.propertyPath, // some understanding of this structure can be useful. public class StructureOfArrayExample : ScriptableObject { // Serialized array // Note: The example would behave the same way if it was List<int> public string[] m_Data;

[MenuItem("Example/SerializedProperty/Array Structure Example")] static void MenuCallback() { var log = new StringBuilder();

StructureOfArrayExample obj = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<StructureOfArrayExample>(); obj.m_Data = new string[] { "zero", "one" };

SerializedObject serializedObject = new SerializedObject(obj);

// Top level property represents the entire array SerializedProperty serializedProperty = serializedObject.FindProperty("m_Data"); ReportPropertyDetails(serializedProperty, log);

// Next element is a structural element ".Array". // This does not take any space in the serialized data, and acts much the same as the top level property bool visitChildren = true; serializedProperty.Next(visitChildren); ReportPropertyDetails(serializedProperty, log);

// First nested child is ".Array.size", which stores the number of elements of the array serializedProperty.Next(visitChildren); ReportPropertyDetails(serializedProperty, log);

// Next comes the first array element, "[0]". // In this case it is the string "zero". Strings are also represented as Arrays in SerializedObject. serializedProperty.Next(visitChildren); ReportPropertyDetails(serializedProperty, log);

// Skip past the nested content of the first string to get to the next string ("one") visitChildren = false; serializedProperty.Next(visitChildren); ReportPropertyDetails(serializedProperty, log);

//Will log: //Property path: 'm_Data' type: 'Generic' isArray: True depth: 0 //Property path: 'm_Data.Array' type: 'Generic' isArray: True depth: 0 //Property path: 'm_Data.Array.size' type: 'ArraySize' isArray: False depth: 1 //Property path: '[0]' type: 'String' isArray: True depth: 1 //Property path: '[1]' type: 'String' isArray: True depth: 1 Debug.Log(log.ToString()); }

static void ReportPropertyDetails(SerializedProperty prop, StringBuilder log) { log.AppendLine($"Property path: \'{prop.propertyPath}\' type: \'{prop.propertyType}\' isArray: {prop.isArray} depth: {prop.depth}"); } }