Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public void DrawMesh(NativeSlice<Vertex> vertices, NativeSlice<ushort> indices, Texture texture);


vertices The vertices to be drawn. All referenced vertices must be initialized.
indices The triangle list indices. Must be a multiple of 3. All indices must be initialized.
texture An optional texture to be applied on the triangles. Pass null to rely on vertex colors only.


Records a draw command with the provided triangle-list indexed mesh.

You can generate the mesh content later because the renderer doesn't immediately process the mesh. The mesh content must be fully generated before you return from GenerateVisualContent, unless you call AddMeshGenerationJob.

The renderer will process the mesh when the following conditions are met: - GenerateVisualContent has been called on all dirty VisualElements - All registered generation dependencies have completed - All deferred generation callbacks have been issued