Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public static bool GetLocalFileSystemName(string vfsFileName, out string localFileName, out ulong localFileOffset, out ulong localFileSize);


vfsFileName Virtual file entry to find.
localFileName Out parameter containing the file on the local filesystem.
localFileOffset Out parameter containing the offset inside of file on the local filesystem.
localFileSize Out parameter containing the size inside of file on the local filesystem.


bool Details were successfully found.


This method looks up the virtual file entry specified, and returns the details of that file within the file on the local filesystem.

It populates the localFileName, localFileOffset, and localFileSize parameters with the path of the file on the local filesystem that contains the virtual file, and the offset and size of the virtual file within it. This method returns true if the details were successfully found. It returns false if it was not possible. This can happen if the virtual file is contained in a memory filesystem, or in a compressed file.