Version: Unity 6 Preview (6000.0)
  • C#


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public static void InstantiateGameObjects(int sourceInstanceID, int count, NativeArray<int> newInstanceIDs, NativeArray<int> newTransformInstanceIDs, SceneManagement.Scene destinationScene);


sourceInstanceID The instance ID of the GameObject to create additional instances of.
count The number of instances of the GameObject to create.
newInstanceIDs Pre-allocated NativeArray to populate with the instance IDs of the new GameObjects. Must be the same size as count.
newTransformInstanceIDs Pre-allocated NativeArray to populate with the instance IDs of the Transforms of the new GameObjects. Must be the same size as count.
destinationScene The Scene to place the instantiated GameObjects into. If default, then the GameObjects will be added to the currently active Scene.


Creates a specified number of instances of a GameObject identified by its instance ID and populates NativeArrays with the instance IDs of the new GameObjects and their Transform components.

Use InstantiateGameObjects to instantiate multiple GameObjects as a batch. An instance ID can be resolved to an object using Resources.InstanceIDToObject.

using System;
using Unity.Collections;
using UnityEngine;

public class InstantiateInstanceID : MonoBehaviour { public GameObject prefab; public int count = 100;

int m_InstanceID; NativeArray<int> m_InstanceIds; NativeArray<int> m_TransformIds; void Start() { m_InstanceID = prefab.GetInstanceID(); m_InstanceIds = new NativeArray<int>(count, Allocator.Persistent); m_TransformIds = new NativeArray<int>(count, Allocator.Persistent); GameObject.InstantiateGameObjects(m_InstanceID, count, m_InstanceIds,m_TransformIds ); }

void OnDestroy() { m_InstanceIds.Dispose(); m_TransformIds.Dispose(); } }